Sunday, January 31, 2021


Sometimes I feel like I couldn't be busier. We are back at school with the kids all day, which means, I am back to doing prep work after school. I am taking 3 classes, and although the professors are incredibly easy to work with, it is still 3 classes. Somedays, it just seems like a lot. 

Our school district did have our first vaccine dose this week. I'm surprised by how many people choose not to have one. I'm a believer of them. It was a little nervous,  but if my parents can do it, so can I. If President Nelson can do, so can I.  So the first one is done. I did have the pain up my neck and I did have a terrible headache the next afternoon, but that could have been the kids. 

The kids are still happy to be at school.  We did a little measuring this week. 

And my good friend Conception, came over and we read a bilingual book together. 

We are having a very mild and dry Winter. In fact this little pansy hasn't even noticed that it is winter. 

Just keep blooming.

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