Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Move on Already

In the last week, I have spent 2 days in Kindergarten and 2 days at the High School. I am always amazed at how many similarities there are between these two age groups.
First, they always have to sit by their friends. High School kids will move their desks, just so they can sit closer to a friend. The way you punish a 5 year old, is to move them away from the group.
Then there is the always present need to go to the bathroom. I always let the little ones go, because they may not make it if you make them wait. However, at the High School, they always tell me they have an emergency and need to go to the bathroom, right now. Who am I to decided when it really is an emergency? I do, however, only let one leave the room at a time. They are so disappointed.
The third thing they have in common is the melt down issue. Both age groups seem to be extremely sensitive. They can break down and start to cry for no apparent reason. Some one looked at them funny, they got caught doing something naughty or they just felt like crying.
Lastly, I would like to point out that they both make up stories. They expect you to believe these stories. They are so bad at putting together a lie and so offended when you don't believe them.
As alike as they are, it is hard for me to work with the kids at the High School. I just think they should have moved on by now.


Neighbor Keith said...

I believe a lot of these similarities come from the poor socialization progress children make in schools. The poor social atmosphere of schools and the lack of motivation to succeed in school are what I believe to be the two main causes of idiots outside the home (ie aside from dumb parents)

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

I guess they took this novelty out for college students by simply telling us that we can get up whenever we want and that it depends on whether we get a real job.

mr.math said...

I think it has to do with the extreme self-centered, self-conscious, selfish state that both of these age spans have in common due to their quickly changing bodies and how this affects their (warped) perspective on their environment. But that's just what I think.