I have been working on an application for a fellowship through the NEA. It has to do with bringing cultures into the classroom and includes a trip to Costa Rica.
As I have been answering questions I have come to feel really blessed. I have enjoyed teaching these kids who need someone that accepts them for who they are. When I went to work in Wendell, it was a tender mercy and still is.
This is part of my lesson plan. Irs hard to see but there are stars on all the places my students were born. I started my picture here so I could include the Philippines, Peru, Mexico and various locations in the US.
The kids are writing time lines that and then doing a short presentation.
I don't know how this will turn out but I feel like it has already had a good impact on me.
It has been a hard week. I haven't felt well, I work with a very difficult person at school and Wes has been a bear this week. So I'm hoping for a calmer storm in relationships this week.
Happy Winter...