Sunday, August 20, 2023

My mom

After the service I had Spencer take family pictures with my mom. I kept saying "I really think we'll regret it if we don't take this opportunity". 

My mom had a good afternoon.  She sat in her chair and told stories to all the grandkids. She was in her glory. 

About 6 the next morning, I got a phone call from Allison. They had taken her to the hospital with what they called a breathing episode.  At first they thought it was a 'broken heart' heart attack, but something kept coming up on the bloodwork that made them keep testing. 

She kept telling them
 "Therehere is nothing wrong with me. You should let me go home." When they wanted to do angioplasty she told them, "I'm 89 and I'm not doing surgery." She finally relented. 

The angioplasty showed all her arteries are blocked. They could do open heart surgery but it would be very dangerous and she is 89 and doesn't want it. 

It has been a devastating diagnosis for me. Taking blood thinners for 3 arteries 90% blocked is like putting a band-aid on a volcano. To make matters worse, she came home from the hospital with covid and it quickly spread to me brother, sister and there spouses. What a stressful week this has been.  

My mom is extremely week. Her leg is bothering her. She can barely move. She sleeps all the time. She went from healthy to 
Chronic illness in a heart beat. 

To say my heartis broken would be putting it mildly.  I know that she has lived a good, active life. When I look at this, blind and crippled little lady, I know she has earned her exit from this world. But I thought we had more time. 

I want to say that I'm praying for a recovery, but to be honest, I don't know what to pray for. I pray for my will to be aligned with His will. I pray for the Spirit to comfort us, including her, during this very difficult adjustment.  

Life happens, take the picture. 

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