Sunday, August 6, 2023

Cousin Crew

I have 2 cousins. I probably saw them 3 times in my life. I really want the grands to know each other; to see each other. So I begged their parents for some time with them and without  their parents. 

We had a good time. They were really good. 
Lots of Kool-aid and chicken nuggets. 

I saved my birthday cake to share with them. We had it out back. Im not saying that they are messy, but they are.

These are my cross stitchers.

Norah did her own was pretty cool. 

 Peter was determined.

We went to the pool one day and  had a huge Water gun fight the next day. 

They had a great time. Peter and Lucy reconected. Hopefully we will do it again. I  was tired but very happy. 

I didn't have cousins and i feel like I missed something life enriching.  I love that I have connected with a few of my parents cousins.

 Family is everything. 

Safe Journeys 

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