Sunday, August 30, 2020

Week One

We started school this week. I will not lie, it was hard. We were blessed to be able to only have 20 students a day. Two of us tested students and straightened out paper work. While the other two taught the same lessons every day. At the end of the day we had an Otterpop and played. 
It is unbelievable the amount of hoops we have to jump through during a pandemic.  We had a positive Covid case at our school on day 2. The way they handle it is unbelievable.  It is wrong. Our district is not even mandating masks yet. I wore a face shield to test and had to clean the outside several times. Note to self:  Always wear a mask when testing a Kindergarten student.  However, the kids were happy. They loved being back at school. We love our kids, I just want everyone to be safe.

It took a few nights, but my computer/family room is getting back together. 

While looking for some blessings, I found these guys. Love them. 

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