Sunday, August 9, 2020

Hot August Nights

First, let it be known that these hot August nights are a sign of what is to come: Winter.
I can enjoy them for a few weeks.

Wes has wanted to go to a pioneer cemetery in Carry Idaho for a while. He was prepared and we found this wagon wheel gate fairly easily.

I feel like theis cemetery is untouched by progress as it sits next to irrigated farmland.  The pioneers had a vision. It is beautiful, now.

This is what we were looking for.

Thank heavens someone has come in and purchased headstones with information on them. There is another one close by that holds the body of her infant daughter. There is enough information on the headstones to know that neither of them made it through childbirth. 

I love cemeteries. They tell stories and have  a spirit of reverence. 

The rest of the week was spent getting  ready for the unknown. I wish I could predict the future. I wish this virus showed some kind of pattern. I wish there were clear instructions. But there are not so I have made the choice to prepare for a year learning like the rest of them. 

I made journals and science props. I still have superglue on my finger nails. 

Searching for some sence of normal, I took a quilt to the fair.  It was good to see old friends and even if I say that I only did it to participate,  Iit has been a long while since I took home a Best of Show. 

We shall see. But I do know that people qlove this scrappy little project.

At the end of the day, I'm going to complain about the heat, just to keep things normal. 

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