Sunday, August 4, 2019

The beginning of an adventure

After the girls and their parents got on their way, Wes and I got on our way.
--we were all going to the same place--

We started a road trip to North Carolina.

We had a great plan to see some new places, but had a hiccup when the air conditioner in our car needed repaired in the middle of Nebraska.  

Nebraska is not my favorite place. 
We were not planning on coming home through it.
They didn't have the parts that our car needed.

After weighing all the options, 
I'm pretty sure we did the stupidest thing:
We changed our plans,
Got up at 3 AM,
and went the most direct route to North Carolina.

The mornings were great, 
The afternoons were hot.
And we stopped at 3 each day.

But we made it and had the car repaired while we were at the beach.

Image may contain: Wes Hall, outdoor

Our important appointment was to see this baby be blessed.

And to hang out with the rest of my grands.

It was worth it.

Later that day we went to Duke to visit the campus.

Our grand daughter loves this place.

It really is something to see.

The photographers in our group had a great time.

I just like taking a couple of shots.

And of course, there is the moment when I see one of my babies
with  one of his.

Wes had a dream come true when he was able to touch the basketball floor.

My next trip to Duke should be for graduation.

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