Sunday, August 25, 2019

Favorite Summer Memory

I like to look back at the Summer and pick a favorite memory.  

I have been thinking about it.
I have had a magical Summer and I can't pick out just one.

But I did love spending time with these little people.

I started school this week.
Worst day:  The first day of school is sooooo hard.
Best day:  The day when I walked past last years students 
and they hug me like a long, lost friend.
Most hopeful day: That moment when I know that the little ones I have
will hug me like that next year.

So we were off.

I have two students who have just arrived in the country.
They work hard, as do their parents.
Sometimes we read or hear that immigrants are here for free health care or food stamps
or whatever,
I will tell you that it has been my experience they are here to work.
They were so proud when they came in with their school supplies.
They are on time, they have a backpack. 
In the winter, they have a coat.
They rarely miss a day.

I watched a little family last year.
A young mother brought her daughter and 16 year old sister.
I used to think she was brave.
I have decided now, that it isn't bravery, but it is faith.
Faith that there is a better world,
Faith that they can do better.

I love all my students, but these little families that walked here have a piece of my heart.
After all in the 1800's, my family also came to Idaho,
walking and ready to work.  

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