Sunday, February 5, 2012

Year of the Dragon

Many years ago, I came across a recipe for Egg Drop Soup in the Family Fun magazine. It has become a tradition to make Egg Drop Soup this time of year. It is really easy and good. I couldn't get r make us any decorations, so we just had the soup.

Egg Drop Soup

4c chicken broth

3 T water

1 T cornstarch

1 egg, lightly beaten

10 to 12 fresh snow peas

1 green onion

¼ c finely chopped ham (optional)

Bring the chicken broth to a simmer in 3-quart sauce pan over medium-high heat. In a separate bowl, combine the water and cornstarch, then stir in the cornstarch mixture into the simmering broth. Bring the broth to a boil, then remove it from the heat. Slowly pour in the egg and gently stir it with a fork in one direction only, stirring slowly for long strands of egg, more rapidly for thinner strands. Add the snow peas, the green onion, and the ham, if desired. Let the soup stand for a few minutes before serving. Serves 4

HaPpY YeAr of the DrAgOn !!

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