Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bunny Trouble

I love my garden here. It is a little plot with two tomatoes, two cucumbers and two pepper plants. A problem arose last year when someone let go of their bunnies. The bunnies are now all over the neighborhood and they reek havoc with the gardens. Wes and the boys are always thinking of ways to kill them, but as of yet, they haven't even come close to touching them. So, I came up with a plan to enlarge the garden and keep the bunnies out. I read on the Internet that they need a fence that is buried 6 inches under (Todd dug the trench) and still stand 18" above ground. Now we need to enlarge our plot. My dad told me, 1 bag of top soil, 1 bag of steer manure, and 1 bag of mulch . It works, my soil glows and produces a great amount of veggies.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Thanks for the good soil advice. I am hoping to have a garden next spring, so right now I am trying to figure out all the details. We have wild bunnies in our yard every morning - Brooke loves it, but I can see big trouble for my garden. I'll have to keep the fence in mind. Good thing you are putting that boy to work. :)