Sunday, January 2, 2022

Staying Home

We had a trip planned, but due to bad roads we stayed home. It has snowed more 

And more

And more

I have taken over driveway duty as Wes is still recovering from shoulder surgery.

Please notice the pink coat. It is the coat I wear when the high is 20 degrees. Here is a rare blue sky. 

As we end the year 2021 I am grateful for this year. It has been challenging, but I had some great experiences that will help me in the future. 

ELL Endorsement 
Lost 50 pounds 
Visited Palmyra and Kirtland 
Been blessed with amazing friends
And have been blessed to feel the comfort of God. 

Who knows what the next year will bring, but I'm ready for it. 

I don't believe in New years Resolutions.  I love President Nelson's words, 'Good Intentions'.  I am working on a few and will change as I need to. 

Went on a Canyon walk. Despite all the cold and snow it was pretty. 

Here is to a Happy and Hopeful New Year.

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