Sunday, May 2, 2021

Happy day

My tulips are coming up dried out this year. Most of them look tired on the day they bloom. It was a dry, warm, Winter. 

But there is always beauty in Spring.

I'm so happy to say that I finished all my classes yesterday. I read all of these books this year. Have mercy on my soul! And I have written many ,many papers. I still have to take the Praxis, but am waiting until June, when I will have time to study. 
I could not have done post-grad work without:
Google -- big words, big ideas, research at my finger tips.
Callie--- she is an excellent editor, knows her APA, and a great cheerleader. 
Facebook -- I was in a cohort for this program and they live all over the state of Idaho. We had a Facebook group. They answered questions, talked smack about how hard some of these assignments were and connected in a way that would not be possible otherwise during a pandemic.
And of course, 
the BSU help line -- They know how to help me with all my technical problems.  God bless them. 

Looking forward to a new after school agenda. Not sure what it is, but it will be awesome. 

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