Sunday, April 25, 2021


My youngest had commencement this week at BYU. It was online, but I watched it from work. He is my 4th and last to graduate from the Provo campus. 
I felt compelled to listen to Elder Gong speak. His message was about the many amazing attributes of the college. 
Now, anyone who knows me, knows that it isn't my favorite place. I feel like there is too much pressure to get married and start your perfect life. And we all know that life is hard. 
But academically, it is a good school. And I appreciate that they teach service and to share what they have learned with others. 

So go Cougers.

Later that day I  found some very active 5 year olds reading and taking turns seeing who will be the teacher. 

Just when I think they are totally rotten. they do something sweet. 

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