Sunday, May 20, 2012

The last week of School

Before I forget, my son Todd posted his mother's day poem on his blog.  You can read it.  They are all getting good at writing poems.  I think that I will put all their poems in a book and release them of this duty. 

I think the best thing I did this week was plant the planters on my deck.  I love coming out and seeing some color.  I also love taking care of them.  I start small and watch them grow.  Thank you Miracle Grow.

 I made these as thank you gifts to the 1st grade teachers who have loaned me materials to help my 
new-bees learn to read.  I could not have done it without them.
 And then there are these three bags.  I have worked one on one, every day,  with three girls who came from Mexico this year.  On Fridays we meet together and play go fish...a great way to practice numbers. 
(I know, I get paid to play go fish.)
 Needless to say that we have grown pretty close this year.  Since the day Scarlett said my bag was 
'b-u-ti-ful'  I knew I would be making them a bag too.  They loved them.  It was a good day.  

1 comment:

Blogs Eloyza Reis said...

English is not my language but I appreciate your comments always so gentle. It's good to go to your blog where there are always nice things. I love the post bags. bye.