Sunday, February 23, 2025

Temples and Friends

I had friends over for lunch yesterday. I did not get a picture of them, but I made soup and French bread. 
I had to take them downstairs to see my new iron. They all had to take a turn at it. It's pretty fun.
Then I showed them the quilt my grandma made an saw this, 

Which rocked my world. 

Because I sign mine like this. I mean, How thin was veil on the day I decided to do this?

My temple story is short. We did initories. I took a moment to sit in the Celestial room afterwards. It's my favorite time because there is not anyone in there and it is sooooo quiet. 

I've had a hard couple of weeks of work.  The teacher across the hall has been upset with everything I do. I get it. She is extremely unhappy with her life and it must be my fault. The language from the staff at school has been horrible lately. I'm not going to miss it.

 But as I was sitting there, with the peace of God surrounding me, I felt the love of God and was strengthened by the power that was there. 

Today, I read these words by President Nelson,

Sometimes, your life just falls into prophetic words. 

Life is good....
God loves us ....
We will press forward.....

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