Sunday, September 24, 2023

Graveside Service

I got to Allison's house last week and learned that we were going to wear our Giants shirts to the service. I left mine at home so I just wore black. 

I did the flowers in Giants colors. 

The service started at 1:00. I told Wes to start us...oh and say a prayer. I gave a life sketch and Ty dedicated the grave. The kids wanted to watch the casket get lowered. We were in the car, on our way home by 1:30. 

We were on our way to Idaho within a couple of hours. I love the Seirras in the Summer, but I hope I never have to see them as many times as I did this year. 

I miss my mom. I'm always thinking of something to tell her. I miss her most on Sundays. I loved her telling me about the games and that she enjoyed watching church. She had good balance in life. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023


When Spencer sends flowers, he sends flowers. 

I read a letter today describing my mom's mom funeral, many years ago. There were so many flowers. I'm pretty sure there will be none at my mom's so I will post a couple here.

From my walk yesterday. 

From Fort Collins

Escape to the backyard. 

I'm in Yuba City for a simple graveside service. Just us siblings.
 Partly because of a Covid outbreak and partly because my siblings don't really know how to deal with death.  

I needed to see my mom put in her final resting place. 

Can  believe this? Fastest headstone in history.

My brother is here with his wife. I can't figure out why. To be honest she said some words to me before they left my dad's funeral that set off a few emotions...and not the good ones. I think to myself, what would my mom do. I don't know.  She really didn't like her eieither.  

Let the wild rumpus begin.

Friday, September 8, 2023

With trails of glory...

The Fountains let us down. For what ever reason, they wouldn't administer the morphine to my mom. After the second day of not doing it, I felt the need to bring in a few more prayers. I asked my prayer group for help. The next day I felt the power of Heaven as they did give her the meds. Her body started to shut down. She passed away on September 7, 38 days after my dad. 

It's hard. I've talked to her most days since Callie was born. She became a mother to Hannah, after her mother was killed in an accident.  We were both caring for newborns. It was a strange thing that brought us together. 

I brought her phone home. I was keeping some of her friends up to date. It rang tonight with a reminder for her Macular shot. My first thought was that it would be hard for me to cancel the appointment.  I'm not sure I can say that she won't be coming back. My second thought was that she's not blind anymore.  

Sometimes death is a gift. She was going to loose her leg. Her foot was black when she passed. For whatever reason I hadn't thought about her eyes. It's probably been 20 years since it started. When I helped her at the hospital, the blindness was one of the biggest issues. She was good at hiding it. She can see now. What a gift. 

My heart hurts. Her leaving is not a gift to me, but I'm glad she didn't suffer for long. I'm happy she can see.