Sunday, August 28, 2022

The End

Wes's aunt passed away a couple of weeks ago. She was 81 and had lived a good, active life. I found myself crying at her funeral.  We weren't that close, but I know that death comes in 3's or more. I have many elderly friends and family. I couldn't help but wonder who would be next. 

My sweet friend Dixie passed away one night this week. She was 91. She has been in assisted living for a few years and very lonely since her jysband, Ken, passed away. It's hard to be sad when she didn't suffer and is with her eternal family. 

She was am amazingly talented woman. She was my quilting buddy and could out quilt anyone. She could sing and play the piano and paint.

She told me she didn't like to paint oceans but she relented and painted this for me from a picture my friend Liz took of the Northern California coast. 

I will muss her but am so thankful that she took me under her care when I moved here. 

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