Sunday, April 17, 2022


As I was reading in the New Testament this morning I was struck by how much turmoil  there was in the last days of our Savior life. Then came that blessed Sunday and there was Peace. It was His message. Peace.  I know it will be the same when he comes again. A turbulent world, loved ones who heartbreaking lose their way, doubt and fear, but when we draw near to him we feel His Peace. When he comes it will be Peace. Please seek Peace in your life.

My blessing this week:

This week we had turbulent weather. Snow, icy roads, wind, hail, a blizzard, sun and cold. 

With any luck it killed most of the apricots.

We had a good back up plan. 

I love these tulips and the memory of Lucy helping me transplant them. 

The little birds came back this week.

A good trip to a local greenhouse to pick up some flowers for Earth day.  I was gifted 4 flowers. It made my heart happy and I truely felt blessed. 

He lives and loves us. Happy Easter. 

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