Sunday, December 20, 2020


That crazy week is over. It is the week before Christmas vacation with true believers. They are waiting for Santa from home now. 

We made it through the semester without any cases of Covid in our classroom. We used plenty of Clorox wipes and Virex. Social Distancing in Kinder is a joke and I found myself saying, "Don't lick your friends" way to often. Little masks found there way, well, everywhere. Everyday, was a new day and we just kept working.

We had a Zoom meeting with our kids last night. It's as close as we are going to get to each other for a while.  Richard finished his semester at BYU and with it, finishes the last of my kids working on a BA. When we took Keith to Provo, I was so sad. He was only 17. Todd told me that this was the way it should be and that I wouldn't cry when I took him. Boy, was that true. 

We went to Provo to see Richard and I thought it would be fun to do a picture.
There was no one on campus. Please note that I'm happy.
I kept thinking, 'This is the last time I have to come here.'

I found someone to take the classic picture of the graduate with his parents.
If they have a graduation ceremony and Richard wants to walk I will go back, 
but for now. This will do.

Now that we are at the end of this road we have earned 8 BA's (mine falls in this time frame), 4 BA's from their spouse, 3 Masters degrees, 1 PhD and 1 Masters in progress and I have no doubt more degrees are on the way. 

So what does this mean to me? That they have learned some self discipline. That they are employable, and that will be of service to others. 

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