Friday, November 1, 2013

Thankful for a New Month

We have had quite a week.
You just never know what is going to happen when you wake up,
or are woke up in  the middle of night by your 16 year old.
But all is well.

Every November, I post something I am thankful for everyday on facebook.
But I was thinking it might be fun to post it here....
I'm not sure why.

So on November 1st, I am thankful for Wes.
He is an all around good guy.
He works hard, 

Keeps Richard entertained, 
and takes care of our family.

I love him.

As a post script, my 16 year old son is doing great after a little 
appendectomy, which I am also grateful for.
(That he is doing great, not that he had an appendectomy)

And the wind did blow this week, 
but there a few leaves on the trees.

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