Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ray Christians Ranch

 So we went on a little Idaho Adventure.
My dad's cousin...Mary... has been inviting me to come visit her at "The Ranch" since we moved here.
We decided to go...I wrote down the directions...we googled came up as Ray Christians Ranch.

Here is Ray Christian...also my dad's cousin...his wife and Mary.
They were so very nice to us and shared a wealth of family stories.

We tried to find this place in the dark... not really a great idea...but when we turned into this gate, I knew where we were.  This is where we had family reunions... Empey Day... as a child.

Here is where we used to camp.  There was plenty of pop and ice cream. 
Here is the bridge. No frog was safe that weekend.

And the weekend would not have been complete without all the kids climbing this hill.

We didn't climb it, but I know he could have.

I enjoyed this little adventure, as I renewed my memories of a happy time in my life.
Wes and Rich also enjoyed it.  It is a very peaceful place right smack in the middle of nowhere.

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