Sunday, February 23, 2025

Temples and Friends

I had friends over for lunch yesterday. I did not get a picture of them, but I made soup and French bread. 
I had to take them downstairs to see my new iron. They all had to take a turn at it. It's pretty fun.
Then I showed them the quilt my grandma made an saw this, 

Which rocked my world. 

Because I sign mine like this. I mean, How thin was veil on the day I decided to do this?

My temple story is short. We did initories. I took a moment to sit in the Celestial room afterwards. It's my favorite time because there is not anyone in there and it is sooooo quiet. 

I've had a hard couple of weeks of work.  The teacher across the hall has been upset with everything I do. I get it. She is extremely unhappy with her life and it must be my fault. The language from the staff at school has been horrible lately. I'm not going to miss it.

 But as I was sitting there, with the peace of God surrounding me, I felt the love of God and was strengthened by the power that was there. 

Today, I read these words by President Nelson,

Sometimes, your life just falls into prophetic words. 

Life is good....
God loves us ....
We will press forward.....

Sunday, February 16, 2025


 Someone  recently asked me if I had a journal . I do not, but I think I have expressed that this outlet lets me express my feelings and experiences. I always say that I don't care who reads it, and I really don't, but I don't advertise it. 

As I expressed last week, there is a lot of stuff going on in this country that is downright scary. To combat that feeling, I would like to share somethings I'm grateful for this week. 

Callie and Spencer's need to get out of the house and bring me a little bit of heaven.

My sewing machine. It's a blessing.

My Valentine.

The sweet read aloud books I get to read at school.

Valentine gifts from little people. 

The acceptance of my resignation 

February 3, 2025

Dear Mr. Tim and the Wendell School Board,

I hope you will accept my letter of resignation. Due to the time constrictions of this job, I do not have time to make bread and quilts, so I will not be returning to work in the school year 2025 -2026. 

I appreciate the opportunity to work in this community. It has been a pleasure to work with children in this district and hope for a prosperous future for them.

Peace out and Good Vibes,

Lisa Hall

Life is good, it's a little wonky right now, but it is good. 


We have been friends for a long long time. We have a lot in common. Anne, J'lene and I have 18 sons between us. We have all been married for at least 40 years and trust me when I say, It's been a wild ride. We all meet in church, through serving with each other. 

A couple of years ago, J'lene and Bob moved to Texas. Bob, who is a doctor that believes that all illnesses can be cured by intermittent fasting, has burned through a few jobs, moving four times since they left. But he has a job in rural Texas that has benefits. This is such a tender mercy as well as a testimony that God has a hand in this. 
J'lene has great cancer and the 2 1/2 hour drive for treatments was too much for her, so she is living with her son and family, in Saratoga Springs Utah and receiving treatment from Huntsman Center. She has a support system here and is surrounded by family.

She's been there since the end of November. We have been trying to plan this trip ever since. It has to be between her reaction to Chemotherapy and her next treatment. As well as the rest of us being healthy. 

When I texted her a couple of Saturdays ago she was in such a low place. The things that she shared with me were hard to read. There were tears on both sides of the text. She didn't want us to come because she wanted to enjoy the visit and she felt so bad that she didn't think she could do that. The more we texted, the more, I knew we had to get there. She had a doctors appointment on the 10th and would decide then.

I felt like I may have won the battle, so I asked for a sub on the 12th and prayed I wouldn't get a virus sinuous infection.  Two days later, she texted me and said that we could come. And so we planned and prayed for good weather, good health and a happy reunion.

When we got there, she cried and the joy was there. She was two days from her next treatment and she looked good and strong. She wanted to feed us and we had a beautiful lunch and much needed laughter
and talk. We know each other so well. We know each other's children and husbands, strengths and weaknesses.

We took her gifts and she was touched by the outfit and the quilt. The weather was beautiful and we traveled safely home. Friday she went for her infusion in her new outfit and was comforted by her quilt. She looked happy, cozy and beautiful. She is a warrior. She is a spiritual giant. She has so much more to pass through, but I know she can do it. 

Having women friends is an important part of my life. I have different groups. My yoga group, my teacher friend groups, my cousins, my sisters, my ministering sisters, even the girls in my class and they are all an integral part of my growth and development. God puts people in our lives for a reason. Whether it is for a short visit or years of visits, He knows we need each other. 

God Is Good ...........................