Sunday, February 27, 2022


Wes had the Friday off before Presidents Day so I thought itvwould be great to get out of town. We planned all this about 3 weeks before hand when it was so cold and we had snow on the ground.

I really wanted to fly to North Carolona and see the grands, but the airfare was more than double the last time we went.

We need to go to California and help out my parents but the Covid numbers were really high here (and still are) which means I was probably being exposed.  It's just not safe.

So I saw on Facebook that Barry Manilow had just scheduled shows for that weekend. Vegas is a days drive, so we booked a couple of seats and made a plan. 

There were  gifts.


And a very fun show

This guy is 78 and can still sing. 

We also visited Red Rock Park.

Here's the thing. Wes hates Vegas. He grew up with his parents teaching him that gambling was the worst thing you could ever do. He just can't get passed that. He did enjoy the show. 

I, on the other hand love Vegas. I love to people watch and let's face it, talk to strangers. It is shinny, and sunny and touristy.  I don't gamble and I don't like hanging out inside casinos, but I do enjoy the hype. 

Long story short; I'm not going to Vegas with Wes again.  He sucks the joy out of it. 

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