Sunday, October 11, 2020

Moving to Orange

First, I am so happy that I decided to water my plants when I'd come home so tired at the first of the school year.  They are so pretty again. 

That being said, it will probably freeze tonight.

Last week was crazy. We had parent teacher conferences, I lost my voice, both of my classes had big assignments due and then there were 5 sessions of General Confrence.  Best part is that ladt wek: It is over.

We are moving into our Orange plan at school this week.  This would be due to Idahoans not understanding the purpose of masks or social distancing. We have been fortunate enough to keep it out of our school, well, after the 1st week. I'm pretty sure that I have already ranted about our school boards excuse for an Orange plan. So, we're changing up a few things and calling it good.  I'm just thankful that we are still seeing students. They need to be there and I need to go to work. 

Besides, trying to explain to parents how to play a game with a paper,  a paperclip and a pencil gets confusing.

I was feeling stressed so Wes and I drove up to Ketchem and went for a walk.
 i wish I could convey how yellow it was.  Magical really. It's almost like He knew how pretty the changing of the seasons would be. Let me rephrase, I am so grateful that He knew how to make the changing of the seasons beautiful.  Believe that He is. 

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