Sunday, September 27, 2015

That Darn Kid

So Richard sent me a picture of himself and another missionary a couple of weeks ago. 
Richard is taking the "I'm sick position" and 
the other missionary smiling and giving him the thumbs up.
I knew it then,
I knew that they were giving him too much attention.
So last week he wrote to say that he had been to the doctor.
"NOOOOOOO" I screamed in my head.
or maybe out loud, but it's all good, I was home alone.
Because I know, from many experiences, that he is getting too much attention.
When you give him attention, he just can't help himself,
he just can't get better because he convinces himself that he is deathly ill.
Of course I knew were this was going to lead.
But I don't think Richard did or does.
So please pray with me that he will feel better,
because he is okay,
and get up and get to work.
The alternative it not what we want.
And it is not what he wants either.

I've been through this before.
It is really hard, because there is not a lot I can do.
To make matters worse,
I don't want him home.
At this point, I don't even have a bed for him.
I'm in the middle of a mess here.
I don't want to feed his picky pallet,
and I don't want to deal with him.
I like him in Texas and I don't want him home 
until he grows up some.
Not to mention that I know he can be a great missionary.
He needs to be there.

Keep him your prayers please.

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