Sometimes my job is fun. Well, to be honest, when it comes to working with the kids, it is always fun, it is working with adults that is not always fun. This week had a couple of highlights.I have a 4th grade group that reads the above level reader.
When we were done, I said, "How is this story the same as the one you read in class?"
Hand goes up, "They were both bifocals."
"You mean biographies?"
"Oh yeah."
I am thinking, 'This is the high group.'
The other thing happened while working with a second grader who has just moved from Mexico. Our story was about families, so we brought pictures of our families and wrote sentences about them.
I love my mother.
I love Lupita. Her sister that lives in Mexico.
"My sister is grand."
I ask, "Grand?'
"You know, mad."
"Yes, My sister is grumpy." Her sister is in middle school so she is probably right.
I brought this picture ^. She wanted to write about this picture . She wanted to know about it, as in where it was it, and who where the people? I can't teach religion at school, but I have no doubt that she was drawn to the temple. I told her it is where they got married, and she wrote, I see Todd and Katelyn.I learned the lesson.