Every year, for the last 6 years, we have stopped by to see Uncle Charlie as part of our Spring Break. We have always enjoyed our visits with him and Frankie. They were always kind and Charlie was so good about engaging our children in conversation.
After some serious health problems, Uncle Charlie passed away, he was 79. As it turned out, his funeral was during our Spring Break. So we had our final visit with Uncle Charlie yesterday.
We took Scott and Rich with us and it turns out, that they had not been to a family funeral that they could remember. We promised them that it would not be painful, but that they would probably enjoy it. That seems so strange to say about a funeral.
Well, as any good Mormon funeral goes, it was uplifting, peaceful and a spiritual reenforcement that their is a God, who loves us and has a plan for us.
We enjoyed seeing so many of our cousins and Aunts and Uncles. We enjoyed hearing the stories about Uncle Charlie. And we were glad we went.
The one thing I had not anticipated was Richard's questions as we were leaving Salt Lake.
"Mom, which person in our family is most like Uncle Charlie?"
Well, I am not going to answer that.