Sunday, September 22, 2024


I went to lunch with my friends. One is retired and the other quit working during Covid.  She is younger than me by a couple of years, a good person, spends a lot on hair and hand nails, has an unemployed husband. 
She told me how lucky I was to have a job with insurance. 

Okay, here's my thing. I do not have a job with insurance by luck. I picked this job. I trained for this job. Most of the time at work is a circus. Okay, to be honest, most of the time it is a big old boat-load of crap. There is no luck involved. 

Okay, I feel better. 

Life is what you make it....
Make it a great one....

Sunday, September 15, 2024


We have been trying to go to the Temple every week since April Confrence. We have done well, but it was tricky last week and this week is trickier.   

Can I just take minute here and express my feelings about weekly temple attendance?

I'm a home body, it's hard for me. 
After work, I'm tired. 
Wes always says stuff like "I love being in the temple."
I don't usually say that. 
I find peace in the temple.
I have received blessings of patience from weekly attendance. 
My testimony has been influenced by being in the temple with others, especially those young people getting ready for missions. 

I will follow the admonitions of Prophets because I believe they know things that I don't. 

I know where to turn for peace.

Look to God and find peace. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

One Year

They say the first year after a loved one dies is the hardest. I hope it is true. I've missed her. 

On the morning that she passed I went out to this quiet seating place and just sat. Yesterday, I went again. I do feel better but I still miss her. 

This is what I usually see. Here I am spending my last year in the school. I have a good group of kids, but they talk all the time. 
We are busy all day long and ohhhh, i love it when they go home. 

Happy September....
Hold on to the last couple weeks of Summer...

Sunday, September 1, 2024


I was taking care of my flowers and was feeling grateful for them. 


My days are crazy as I meet the needs of 20 10 year olds. 

It's a joy to come home and see them. 

I titled this post Brainwashed. 

It's a phase that I hear often. 

My parents brainwashed me.

The Church brainwashes it's members.

My boss was brainwashed at her PD.

I may have said the last one. The truth is. I feel like it is true.  

I've never felt like the church brainwashed me. I've always been okay with my relationship with Christ and Heavenly Father without worrying about what other people thought about it. 

I never felt my parents brainwashed me, but I know people who have believed some of the silly stuff their parents taught them. 

My point, you are in charge of you. If it doesn't feel right. It might not be. Pray, listen, and be the best you , that you can. 

This I know, God will meet you where you are. He loves you. He will be there for you. 

Don't throw everything out. 

As for my boss and her great ideas?  I'm not quiting my job, but I can play her game. I don't have to believe it. 

Peace to all...
Happy flowers work wonders on your heart...
Love and joy are in reach....