Sunday, November 18, 2018

Is it over?

The weather has been lovely.
One of the reasons I love Idaho in the Fall
is because of  the cold mornings, and warm afternoons.

The colors are about gone.
There are still plenty of leaves.

But when I walked through the park and saw these on the trees,
I decided it is time to end my Fall pictures.

I drive by the park on my way to work every morning.
I am not going to lie.
I love the Christmas lights.
When you go to work in the dark and come in at dusk,
the lights are very inviting.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Logan and a walk to the park

I hate it when my life gets too busy and I get behind.

We went to Logan last week and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.   

This is Hyrmn Dam

This is a beautiful view of the valley.

I also went on a walk in Jerome last weekend.

I just can't get over the Fall colors.

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