Thursday, December 10, 2009

Snowy Night

I have no idea why Wes was wondering around taking pictures in a snow strom and 2 degrees, but he did. For 25 years I have been trying to get him to put up lights. He did try it once in Linden. He had them hooked up to the movement sensor and they only went on when a cat walked by. I didn't think I would ever try again after that. However, we did try one more time.


R. L. Hall said...

Looks great Wes. Hope you guys are staying warm up there. We have been so cold here - for CA - but have taken "cold comfort" in watching the temps in ID & UT where branches of our family have sprouted up dip below zero.

Bauer Family said...

Lisa you crack me up about the cats! Come to our neighborhood, they would be going on all the time!LOL

Neighbor Keith said...

Courtney says it looks really, really pretty.

miz lizzie said...

Your house is lovely. It looks like a miniature "White House". Great job Wes. By the way I started my shopping tonight.

Tiffany A. said...

This should be on a postcard or somthing.